Monday, April 28, 2008

Dubai Sports City

Dubai Sports City is a very large sports centered complex within Dubailand, covering an area of 50,000,000 square feet (4.65 km2). Sports City is to have a large number of stadiums, including a multi-function stadium that has the capacity for 60,000 spectators. The other stadiums range in size, and include both indoor and outdoor stadiums. Sports City is also meant to hold a number of internationally acclaimed sports academies, for sports as varied as golf, tennis, cricket, and football (soccer). Sports City is also planned to have a sports themed mall on its grounds, so that its visitors may enjoy a shopping experience as well.


Anonymous said...

hmmmm, and where i can find it? i might want to visit it when its done

Unknown said...

its gonna be in dubai land, cant wait for it to finish!

Mac said...

I think sports city is the best investment out there, sports is more popular then ever.

Anonymous said...

I've driven by sports city, the 3 huge stadiums are almost complete from the outside. It's a part of Dubailand on Emirates Road. Can't wait to visit sports city! I'm really excited about that!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! I wonder what the golf course looks like.